September 2009
Summer is nearly over. Frankly, it’s a relief. With all the free time, wonderful weather and things to do outdoors, I haven’t managed to get much writing done. But September is here, quivering on that invisible… READ MORE
July 2009
Lots of exciting news for July, starting with a visit to ‘tropical’ Inverness in late June. With the sun shining and an inspiring award ceremony, my short story ‘Hands’ won the second prize in the Neil… READ MORE
June 2009
The month of June tends to bring optimism and inspiration. Perhaps it is the promise of summer, the clear-blue skies and the raising temperatures. The longest day of the year is just around the corner, and… READ MORE
March 2009
Gazing at the lengthening purple twilights and taking in the sights of budding primroses and daffodils has convinced me: winter’s really over. It is time for a spring clean – not only around the house and… READ MORE
January 2009
Welcome to 2009 – a year full of reading, writing and hopefully many other good things. For me it started well, with my first collection of short stories now available from and from bookshops near… READ MORE