Stay a while to share my thoughts on writing and life.

This article posted by Daniela Norris on Monday 18th February 2013

The Next Big Thing

A fellow writer and inspiring poet, Gwyneth Box, has asked me to join in ‘The Next Big Thing’ – an internet project where authors from different countries, different ways of life and different writing backgrounds answer the same ten questions about a work in progress.

Gwyneth discusses her upcoming book of poetry, Around the corner from Hope Street – please take a few moments to read her blog – here

I will also answer those ten questions about my work-in-progress and then invite five other writers to do the same. You can find the links to their posts below my answers. I can promise you they are all wonderful writers and super interesting people, so please read their posts. OK, here we go.

What is the title of your book?

I’ve just finished writing a book titled On Dragonfly Wings – a journey to mediumship.

Where did the idea come from for the book?

This is a spiritual journey book, and I’ve started writing it following the unexpected death of my little brother Michael – who was nearly twenty – three years ago.

What genre does your book fall under?

I dislike categories, as I believe that life is not black and white (please don’t get me talking about Shades of Grey here…) but I suppose my book will be on the Spiritual shelf. It is meant for anyone who has ever lost a loved one and wants to explore what happens to their loved ones after death.

Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?

Come on, people. I might have gone all spiritual, but am certainly not delusional.

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?

The show ain’t over when your loved one dies. Really.

Will your book be self published or represented by an agency?

On Dragonfly Wings is represented by Dystel & Goderich Literary

How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?

Nearly three years, during which I’ve done much ‘paranormal’ research and trained as a Hypnotist and Past Life Regression Therapist. It was all great fun.

What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?

hmmm… this is a hard one. I think of On Dragonfly Wings as a spiritual Tuesdays with Morrie. It is divided into twenty digestible-size chapters, each containing a different idea about life, and about death.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?

After my brother died, I had a very difficult year. Many people are scared off by death, and many others don’t know how to react when someone is grieving, so they simply stay away. I will be eternally grateful to the few wonderful people who stayed by my side during those difficult months in mid-2010. Some of these people didn’t even realize that the simple act of being there made a world of difference to me. These are the people who inspired me to write this book.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

You will find answers to some questions such as:

  • What am I here for?
  • How can I be certain that life after death does exist?
  • Why did my loved one die?
  • Can they still be around me and be part of my life?
  • Why do I sometimes meet someone and feel like I’ve known them before?
  • Why do I have to go through difficult experiences in my life?

If you have any interest in what happens after death, or in contacting your loved ones who have passed to the other side, you’ll find a lot of ideas to contemplate, dotted by some ‘How To’ sections that you can try at home.

I am not talking ouija board material, but inspiring concepts that were new to me when I first learned about them, and once I’ve tried them for myself I became convinced that life after death and reincarnation indeed exist.

But you will also understand why the most important thing is to make the most of your current life, and achieve what you’ve come here to accomplish. This is what your deceased friends and relatives are hoping you’ll do while they wait for you on the other side, constantly cheering for you and sending you their love.

Thank you for reading my blog. Here are the links to the blogs of five wonderful writers who will be answering the same ten questions about their work-in-progress or upcoming book. Just click on their names and read on!


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