Slow summer
Often, when someone or something is described as ‘slow’ it has a negative connotation. I recently came to realise that it is not so. Yes, we often talk about slowing down in this fast-paced world, savoring the moment, not rushing. But only recently, I actually grasped the meaning of it. I’ve always had a busy life, many projects, places to go to, people to see. But these days, I try to be more selective as to what occupies my time, and the result is – my life has slowed down, in a good way.
So before leaping into all the good thing the month of September will bring, I wish you a wonderfully slow summer. Early mornings with the chirruping of birds, lazy afternoons when you don’t absolutely have to rush, luscious evenings with a warm evening breeze. And when the summer is over… the rhythm might pick up again, for different times of year have different rhythms. But for now, enjoy your slow summer!